Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kickstarting the Emotion of Writing

I blogged before about how I'd gotten out of the habit of the creative side of writing once I finished my first book because I was more focused on editing and getting it ready for submission. This had created a sort of writer's block for me. Not that I don't have any ideas of what I want to write, but more, the desire to sit down and focus on it.

I challenged myself to write about an emotional experience. Something that had affected me and would trigger some emotion and feeling. I wasn't sure what that experience would be, but it hit me like a blow to the gut, taking my breath away when I discovered the moment.

I was dropping my girls off with their father who would take them for the weekend. It has always been and still is a difficult thing for me, but after three years, I thought I had adjusted.

Once I started writing about the moment, the look on my daughters faces, the feelings I still felt, the feelings I thought they still felt, it all came rushing out in a blur of words. I couldn't stop them. The emotion was flowing and by the time I finished it, I was in tears. I re-read it, and wow, was I a mess.

But my little experiment reconnected me to my true love of writing. It started the wheel turning again, and I have vowed not to stop it again. And anytime I need a jump start, I know exactly what to do.

Happy Memorial Day weekend! Let us never forget those that fought to protect our freedom of speech.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Maintaining Confidence

Well, after submitting to agents the past few weeks, I am dealing with second guessing, rejection and lack of motivation.

Its time to move on to the next project, but the voices in the corners of my brain are working against me.

I read a great article on the WEbook blog by John Meils. Outstanding! It was exactly what I needed, and I'm attaching it here for you all to read. Its worth the read.

Now, on to the next project...